Couple Rings can be a great alternative to an engagement band if you are in love but aren't quite ready to be a part of a commitment.
 What is the meaning behind Promise Ring
 A promise ring signifies of commitment by two persons. It's often the initial symbol of a serious relationship that is still developing However, exchanging promise rings can also be a representation of a joint commitment which is not tied to romance.
 A promise ring can mean various things:
 I pledge to never stop loving you.
 You're serious, I'm telling you.
 I'm committing to marry you in the future (but not just now)
 I pledge to be loyal
 I will swear to quit smoking
 I will always be your friend
 What's the difference between an engagement ring as well as a promise ring?
 If the promise ring is presented with the intention that it will be replaced in future with an engagement ring, it's generally, but not always, a bit more small in both design and price. A lot of couples who know they'll get married start by exchanging promises rings, proceed to an engagement band and eventually, purchase wedding rings.
 The centerpiece stone in a promise ring will often be smaller than an engagement ring. In addition, most promise rings don't have a center stone whatsoever as they're designed with a variety of stones with stylish designs.
 Which finger? Which finger?
 Promise rings which are intended to be used as pre-engagement rings are usually placed on the hand's third finger. the time-honored locati0n for the engagement ring. The promise ring will be replaced with the engagement ring, followed by the wedding ring as appropriate.
 If the promise ring isn't tied to a promise of marriage, it is often placed on the fingers of the right hand to prevent any confusion regarding the meaning of the promise ring. A few people prefer wearing the promise rings they received prior to engagement on the left hand side of the ring hand to avoid any confusion.
 The History of the Promise Ring
 It is believed that the idea of a promise ring was first thought of hundreds of years ago, perhaps earlier than biblical times. The idea of the promise ring is believed to have been developed many thousands of years ago, perhaps at least as early as biblical times.
 The groom-apparent, as part of the wedding ceremony present his bride-to be a ring to demonstrate his love for her. It is believed to be the first time an engagement ring.
 How do you pick the ring of a couple?
 Each person approaches this purchase in a different way. Many will pick rings together however, others may choose their own. Still others like to surprise their partners by choosing their own ring. There isn't a single right method for making this choice.
 Couples Ring Shopping Guide
 We've got some ideas to help you select the perfect couple's ring.
 Shop from a reliable source
 We suggest that you only work with companies that are trustworthy, whether you purchase from us through My Irish or any other retailer. A trusted jeweler will have great reviews and recommendations across several independent platforms. Be sure to look them up to see experiences of past clients. You can get a good idea of what you can be expecting from them if you decide to conduct business with them.
 Think about your Priorities
 It's good before you make a big purchase, to take into consideration the items you'd like. Think about the material, gemstones and the symbolism. Also, think about durability as well as fit and durability.
 Let your mind wander
 You can benefit from the knowledge and experience of a jeweler. Whether you have a concept in your the back of your mind or you are going through the various options. Customers who reach us via email, phone or virtual appointment usually have a specific idea in mind but end up choosing entirely different rings.
 Have Fun!
 It is exciting to take the next step in your relationship. Be sure to enjoy the process and have fun picking out these important and symbolic rings that you will have for the rest of your lives.